Minolta Vectis APS底片單眼系統無痛轉接老鏡


話說不時會在 ebay 上瞎逛的我,通常是為了找些耗材或是攝影周邊。某日看到一位美國賣家在出清 APS 底片,雖然本人並沒有 APS 底片機並且APS 底片早已停產多年,但是看到賣家竟然以10元起標一次就豪邁要賣40捲就忍不住出了10元的底價。


好吧,畢竟40捲底片也是個數量,之前觀察APS 底片機價格早已跳水多年,於是就隨便在網路上另外花500元台幣撿到網友拋售Minolta 的APS 單眼系統 Vectis S-100一機一鏡。試拍以後果然相當滿意,這批底片雖然過期10年,色彩與層次依舊動人,果然是Kodak 和Minolta 強弩之末的巔峰產品的結合。

Kodak Advantix 200, 2006 過期

1997年推出的Vectis 的單眼系統只有兩台機身:S-1 和 S-100 以及幾顆鏡頭。其中的400mm反射鏡和50mm微距鏡是定焦外,其他都是變焦。並且整體機身鏡頭都防塵防滴設計。由於鏡頭光學表現優異二手價格又非常低廉,有老外在2015年設計了一款Monster Adapter 讓這些鏡頭可以轉接到 Sony 數位相機E環上,不過轉接環價格相當昂貴而且沒有公開販售並且只能手動對焦,卻要250美金以上的驚人售價個人沒錢投資所以就算了。有興趣的朋友應該搜尋關鍵字還可以找到消息。

拍了幾捲APS 單眼,某日開始琢磨起我那一整個櫃子的老鏡究竟是否可以也轉接上去手裡的S-100。一開始想到的就是現有轉接環能不能直接套上用,畢竟這個被拋起的孤軍系統連彈藥有限更別想還有太多轉接環有市售的機會。試了幾個手裡的其他系統轉接環發現 Vectis 單眼的卡口異常狹小。但是就在快要放棄的時候,突然覺得這台單眼的取景器結構不就是和 Olympus 著名的半格底片機 PEN F 差不多嗎?於是拿起手裡的 M4/3 鏡頭蓋,雖然沒有100%可以旋緊,但還是果然可以直上使用!

不過問題來了,M4/3 的系統是沒有光學取景器的無反微單眼,所以任何單眼老鏡套上市面上轉M4/3 的轉接環都會增加鏡後距因此接上 Vectis 根本無法使用(加上原本單眼系統的取景器反光鏡預留空間法蘭距過長)。至於 RF 老鏡轉 M4/3 的轉接環反而會因為Vectis 是單眼所以鏡後距不夠也無法使用(鏡頭法蘭距過短)。


在我的鏡頭和轉接環的排列組合裡面就恰恰好有一組是可以轉接的。那就是蘇聯 Zenit M39 的單眼鏡頭加上 L39 轉 M4/3 轉接環。L39 的鏡後距是RF 剛好轉 M4/3 不需要增加,而Zenit M39 的鏡後距差不多卻也可以直上這個轉接環!於是我的 Mir 1 和Jupiter 9都可拿來拍 APS底片了。


2則留言 追加

  1. imagecoffee

    Minolta/Konica Minolta “Shutter lock” or “lens check” feature:

    Minolta’s way of “saving” us from taking a picture with a faulty electronic lens attached, or from damaging the shutter or sensor can often be found in the owner’s instruction manuals and service manuals for various Minolta electronic SLR cameras.

    Minolta xi and si cameras, and most later models, have a shutter lock / lens check feature which prevents the shutter from being released if anything other than a functional AF lens is fitted — slide copier, T-mount lens, telescope / microscope adapter, M42 lens, other adapter for other lenses, or of course any dysfunctional or incompatible electronic AF lens.

    To over-ride this “safety” feature on demand, Minolta incorporated controls in many of their interchangeable lens AF SLR cameras. Note: Minolta/Konica Minolta APS/35m/Digital AF SLR camera models are variously named Alpha (Japan and China), Dynax (Asia, Europe, Africa), and Maxxum (the Americas).

    Model = shutter lock / lens check toggle:

    Minolta 2xi, 3xi, and Spxi 35mm cameras = Requires circuit modification by Minolta to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. Minolta 300si 35mm camera = Press and hold FLASH and DRIVE/SELFTIMER buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON (Off appears in LCD panel) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 303si 35mm camera = Press MODE and SELF TIMER to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 3L 35mm camera = press and hold SUBJECT PROG and DRIVE while turning the main switch to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 4 35mm camera = Select Custom Function 12 and set to 2 to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, set Custom Function back to option 1.

    Minolta 400si 35mm camera = Press and hold Drive Mode and AV buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 404si 35mm camera = Press and hold the P and Self Timer switches with Function Dial at ME while sliding the Main Switch to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 5 35mm camera = Select Custom Function 14 and set to 2 to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, set Custom Function back to option 1.

    Minolta 5000, 7000, 9000, 3000i, 5000i, 7000i, and 8000i 35mm cameras = No preparation needed to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached.

    Minolta 500si 35mm camera = Press and hold Drive Mode and SPOT buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 505si Super 35mm camera = Press and hold Self Timer and SPOT buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 507si, 600si and 650si 35mm cameras = Press and hold the LENS RELEASE button and FILM SPEED/ISO button with the lens removed and move the power switch from LOCK to ON (OFF appears in LCD panel) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 5xi 35mm camera = Press and hold SPOT and FUNC. buttons and switch from LOCK to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 700si 35mm camera = Press and hold SPOT and CARD buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 7xi and 9xi 35mm cameras = Press and hold AEL and FUNC. buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 800si 35mm camera = Press and hold SUBJECT PROGRAM and AEL buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON (OFF appears in LCD panel) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta 7 and 9 35mm cameras = Select Custom Function 16 and set to 2 to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, set Custom Function back to option 1.

    Minolta Htsi, HTsi Plus and Xtsi 35mm camera = Press and hold the Selftimer-Drive Mode button and Spot/AE button while sliding the Main Switch to ON (OFF appears in LCD panel) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta QTsi 35mm camera = Press and hold the Selftimer-Drive Mode button and Subject Program button while sliding the Main Switch to ON (OFF appears in LCD panel) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta RD-175 digital camera = Press and hold DRIVE/SELFTIMER and AV buttons and move power switch from LOCK to ON. (ON appears in LCD panel) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta RD-3000 digital camera = Press DRIVE and SPOT (while switching to REC) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure. (Note: adapter needed to use Minolta A mount lenses.)

    Minolta Stsi and 404si 35mm cameras = Move the function Dial to Multiple Exposure, press and hold the Program Reset and Selftimer-Drive Mode button while sliding the Main Switch to ON (OFF appears in LCD panel) to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure.

    Minolta Vectis S-1 APS camera = Press ON/OFF to turn camera ON. Open door that covers hidden buttons. Press the Drive Mode button (farthest on the left) and the MODE button together. “ON” will appear in the LCD panel. Press the “SEL” button (second from right in hidden buttons). “OFF” Will appear in the LCD panel – all this to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure. Or, also reported for the Minolta Vectis S-1 = Press MODE + SELF TIMER = ‘on’ appears on display; SEL = ‘off appears on display to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. Press any other button to confirm. (Note: adapter needed to use Minolta A mount lenses).

    Minolta Vectis S-100 APS camera = SUBJECT PROGRAM and = ‘on’ is displayed. +/- = ‘off’ is displayed to release the shutter without a functional electronic lens attached. Press any other button to confirm. To re-instate the shutter lock, repeat the same procedure. (Adapter needed to use Minolta A mount lenses.)


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